Ya rasulallah firakın yaktı

In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, To say the words “Ya Rasul Allah” (O Messenger of Allah) or to call for the blessed Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) in some other way is not something that is unlawful or innovation (bid’a) in itself. Sine sûzân,dide giryan,dil perişan,kıl

    Balgamlı öksürük sesi
  1. 4 komentar
  2. O
  3. Y
  4. Ya Rasulallah firakın, Yaktı ben soldum bugün
  5. sine suzan, dide giryan, dil perişan, kıl meded, bikesim, bir çare
  6. (Wahai Rasulullah kenalilah palayanmu ini
  7. Sitemizde
  8. ayet; Kuran-ı Kerim tevbe suresi 97